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21 important (and spoiler-heavy) observations about this season of Master of None


IT’S BEEN ONE week since season two of Master of None hit Netflix.

If you haven’t watched it yet, what are you doing? Close this article and rectify the situation immediately. If you have watched it, read along…

1. Why did we never get to see Sara again?

C_4pvoUXsAQ-3cE Source: Netflix

Dev went on an impromptu lunch date with Sara, a British tourist, in the first episode. The pair decided to meet that weekend and exchanged numbers, but Dev had his phone stolen and we never got to see Sara again. This is a crying shame because they made a lovely couple.

Tweet by @Caroline Renard Source: Caroline Renard/Twitter

2. Can this little boyo just get his own spinoff?

3. How did Dev and Arnold manage to get the car out from the narrow alleyway without severely damaging it?

We have anxiety just thinking about it.

car Source: Netflix

4. Why isn’t the Tall Boys app a real thing?

Note to Silicon Valley: lots of tall girls would be very into this app.

5. Is it safe to go driving on a moped when you’ve had a number of glasses of fizzy wine?

Are the rules different in Italy?

download Source: Netflix

6. Did the Italian tourism board bankroll the whole season?

It’s impossible to watch the second season of Master of None without daydreaming of eating your weight in pasta and drinking wine under the Tuscan sun.

master-of-none Source: Netflix

7. And did Big Negroni™ exert its influence?

Seriously. How many negronis do they drink?

8. How is Aziz’s Dad so genuinely gas?

Shoukath Ansari is a gastroenterologist by day and moonlights as a genuinely hilarious actor on his son’s show.

Some people get all the talents.

ansari-shoukat-md Source: First Health

9. Lots of “gas” lads are going to start using variations of Dev’s chat-up line on Tinder, aren’t they?

waff Source: Stephanie Mallon/Twitter

10. How does Dev afford all these dates?

In the fourth episode, we see Dev take several women out on dates to a wine bar, luxurious rooftop bar and pay for taxis. Let’s just say he must be on good money at Clash of the Cupcakes.

11. Admit it: you would watch a Clash of the Cupcakes marathon when you’re hungover.


cucp Source: Master of None

12. How *real* was that cab scene in episode five, though?

The way the camera lingered on Dev’s face after they dropped Francesca off at her hotel. The Soft Cell song.


13. Speaking of Francesca, we would just like to curse her for giving us wardrobe envy.

exdstill_mon_204_205_160924_025831_r Source: Netflix

14. Is Tupac’s Only God Can Judge Me playing while Dev eats bacon for the first time the single greatest musical moment on television?

In a word, yes.

15. And is this the best vagina joke ever?

Again, yes.

Tweet by @Master of None Source: Master of None/Twitter

If you can’t see the video, please click here

16. Would 100% wear this Toadally Smashed t-shirt.

toads Source: Netflix

17. All self-respecting chippers should have to play Vengaboys at the end of the night.

veng Source: Netflix

18. Honestly have never related to a character harder than Francesca when she marvels at the wide range of products available at an American drugstore.

ales Source: Netflix

19. We lost count of the amount of times we roared, “JUST KISS HER ALREADY”.

We know there were complications, but come on.

note Source: Netflix

20. What was that last scene? Are they together? Are they not together?

Look carefully and you’ll notice that Francesca is not wearing her giant, hulking engagement ring. Meaning that they’re… together?



21. Finally… allora!

Word of the year.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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